Monday, September 26, 2011

Water Restriction

TUESDAYS & FRIDAYS: All non-residential sites
(apartments, common areas, businesses, parks, etc.)
Residential Addresses ending in even numbers – 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8
Residential Addresses ending in odd numbers – 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9.
It’s a drought out there!
• Know your watering days! (we’re not saying you must water twice a week).
• Adjust irrigation system controllers if necessary.
• Water may not run off of a lawn or yard more than 50’.
• Foundations may be watered only up to two hours on any day by hand, soaker hose or with drip irrigation in place within 24” of the foundation.
Also, please keep in mind our year round rules which are still in effect during Stage 1. They are; no watering between 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., no operating a broken system (broken sprinkler head, pipe, etc.), no watering hard surfaces and no watering during a precipitation event.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Pete Behavior Part 2

He will be bringing our classroom bear home on Friday so that he may care for it. The bear sits in our window and “watches” the kids to see them learning.

It is an honor to take Mr. Peep home and care for him. He should be included in all family events including dinner, travel, and bedtime.

Please encourage Him to return Mr. Peep to our classroom window on Monday after he spends the weekend with your family. Thomas should draw or write about what he and Mr. Peep did over the weekend so that he can share their adventures with the class.


Mrs. Evans

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Home Comming Parade


I'm sorry to let you know that he does not cooperate well in class or do what is ask of him often. This is hurting his ability to learn since he refuses to participate in many things. Please make an appointment to come in for a conference to discuss what we might do to help his learning.

Mrs. Evans

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Pete Behavior

Thank you for your note. Yes, it has been a difficult adjustment for him in first grade. Perhaps you spoke with him over the weekend about doing his best in school and doing what the teacher asks of him. Today was his best day so far. He did what I asked him today and completed his work. Thank you for speaking with him. He will learn so much more if he participates in his own learning.

Thank you,

Mrs. Evans

Dave and Busters Arlington

At School