Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Fossil Rim Wildlife Center

Another place you can visit in Glenrose
is Fossil Rim Wildlife Center. They have
many deers. After we left Dinosaur World
we head there. If you don't go on special price
day is not worth the experience. The food
for the animals is little too expensive.
The drive is little longer than Arbuckle
Wilderness in Oklahoma but we don't mind.
We have an ok time. This is where you buy
admission ticket(s).

Entrance to Fossil Rim Wildlife Center.

Our advice to open door wildlife park is let
the dangerous animals out of the cages.
The tourists will close their cars windows
and nobody will be harm.
We visited open zoos around the world
and observed that it can be accomplish.
Let the cheetahs and rhinoes out of their cages.
Put an automatic fence between predators and
the preys. Feed the predators well and there should not
be a problems.
Let me out.

At least at this place they let the giraffes out.

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